Dear Me.

1. Please ask “present you” What does present YOU need to hear from FUTURE you right this minute?

2. What advice can FUTURE you give PRESENT you?

3. What were a few challenges or blocks that FUTURE you overcame or are overcoming? How did FUTURE you overcome them or what process are you taking to change?

4. What is your limiting beliefs, blocks and self-sabotage was felt, seen, and heard. What does FUTURE you feel now? How open is your heart?

This little exercise is a lovely quick reminder of how you need to feel to heal and you are capable of so much heart expansion if you allow the process to flow like water.

Working with me will support the blocks that are holding you back and rewriting the healthy FUTURE you?

Work with me and allow me to hold the heart-felt space you need to feel safe, vulnerable to feel in order to heal.



Setting up your space